Ben Ohau Haute Route, Ben Ohau Range
I really rate this ski tour. In fact, I would have to say its one of the best that I have ever done (!). I know, I know, that is a big call after 35 years of ski touring. But in its category, it is just superb.
I really rate this ski tour. In fact, I would have to say its one of the best that I have ever done (!). I know, I know, that is a big call after 35 years of ski touring. But in its category, it is just superb.
Mid August 2022 In the upper back blocks of Tekapo there’s a high country farmer who’s always good for a yarn should you be fortunate to bump into him. He has got that Barry Crump kinda story to him, and yep, he’s usually near a Hilux. Kicking about his boots
21 OCTOBER 2021 Hell’s Gates is surely a name to attract someone looking for adventure. These are some rocky spires up at the head of a short gravelly valley above the Waterfall Hut, on the west side of the Cass Valley. This route is on private land
Driving between lakes Pukaki and Tekapo, state highway 8 winds its way to the North, then the East, and back to the west in a meandering fashion. It is kind of annoying if you are trying to get somewhere quickly. But every now and then you will find yourself looking directly at Mt Stevenson, crouching alone at the southern end of the Gammack Range.
The Third Waterfall Stream must surely have been named by a surveyor; a logical but a little unimaginative name for what is actually a wonderful valley . This is a stunningly beautiful spot overlooking the Macauley River. The Two Thumb range sits far enough to the east of the
August 2020 This route is on private land (Glenmore Station) and so access must be negotiated prior to visiting. The Falcon’s Nest hut is in Tin Hut Stream, and can be booked for ski touring parties. There are bunks for 8 people. It has a fireplace, gas cookers, clean mattresses,
It takes about 1.5 hours out to the North Peak of Mt Hutt from the ski field. This clip is of the East basin below the North Peak. The SW basin can also hold good snow at times. For information on backcountry access from Mt Hutt ski field check out:
by Zucco – St. Marys range ski touring – Awakino ski area, “the pearl of the Waitaki”, is located in North Otago and provides easy access to the St. Marys range via Kurow and a well maintained 4wd access road to the base lodge at 1200m. The field is open
THE PRELUDE: Starting from Bush Stream Bridge at Mesopotamia in the Rangitata Valley, to the eastern summit of the Brabazon Ridge. West along the Brabazon Ridge, sidling north of Mt Brabazon and south of Points 1785 and 1797, then following the ridge via Point 1852 along to Brabazon Saddle. A
Karl Greasley and Liv Barron Mt Murchison. We chose to break up the walk-in up by walking into Carrington hut on the Friday night. It took us four hours to reach Carrington hut from Klondyke corner. However, we did stop to check out Anti Crow hut as it was the
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